Galaxy Quest: Global Warning is a graphic novel released in 2009, initially it was released in 2008 as a 5 issue mini-series of the same name. It was written by Scott Lobdell and illustrated by Ilias Kyriazis, and is a continuation of the film.
The series/graphic novel, is a continuation of the story of the film, it is devided into five issues each with three chapters. The story takes place before the launch of the new series Galaxy Quest: The Journey Continues, when a world threatening crisis once again requires the cast of Galaxy to once again rise to the occassion.
New Elements[]
- Judgementites (Judgers?)
- Judgement Ship Victims
- Brett
- Camille
- Colonel Stetson
- Dr. Vamvounis
- Sandy Cashew
- Joan Mancuso
- Judgement Lady
- Area 51
- Platé
- The Judgement Ship (Ya Yayayayaya Yomontor Kaiaiaiaiaiiie)